Maria Fernanda Soto

Freelance designer based in Madrid (Spain) - delivering worldwide. With a personal fascination for visuals, passionate about creating digital products and experiences with a human-centered approach. 

UX/UI, branding and editorial design focused. 

Here’s my experience

For collaborations, email



During the course of six months, we researched trends among the industry, from new, more sustainable ways of infrastructure development to people seeking reconnecting with the authenticity of their roots and what’s sustainable. 

We designed a subscription business, that connects creators, to materialistas (creators that develop new sustainable materials). Creating a strong community that relies on eachother to grow and make new strong connections within the industry.

Materia it’s the name of our service, where our users can enter our platforms and select the type of subscription they want, depending on the kind of materiality they want to receive. In each box, materialistas can tell their stories and grow their customers, while creators, can experiment with new materiality for a lower price to boost their work.